Denis Morse SelectMan

I would like to thank Joe Bruno for his many years of service to the Town of Raymond. I also found our 13 hours together while our town voted, and the votes were counted congenial and educational. I appreciate his gracious congratulations.
I would like to thank all of those who assisted me in this journey. We had a great crew that came forward to help including but not limited to Dave Brown, Raul Ferrer, Christina Freyre, Frank McDermott, Peter Leavitt, Don Willard, Sheila Bourque and Brian Walker.
Thank you to all who volunteered to work the polls for us; thank you all who took the time to vote; and an even bigger thank you to all who will place your faith in me. I will never forget who I work for and who put me in office – the townspeople of this great place I call home and we call Raymond.
What I am Committed To
- I will act with transparency and integrity.
- Doing what is right for Raymond and its citizens, not what is easy or self-serving
- Following the established rules, regulations and laws
- Managing and spending citizens’ money wisely and prudently to benefit all the citizens, doing it all with transparency.
- I will serve Raymond because I care about this community
- I have been a resident for 25 years. My kids & grandchildren live here. I want Raymond to be a great place to live, today and in the future.
I will draw from my extensive background as a firefighter/EMT, Fire Chief, union leader, business owner, and current member of the Budget-Finance Committee as your Selectman.
Why I Ran this Race
My current experience on the Budget Finance Committee has shown me that too much is happening out of sight of the public and without proper oversight.
The lack of transparency, disrespect for the Budget & Finance process and lack of community input must be addressed.
The Budget Finance Ordinance is not being followed or respected.
My View on Raymond’s Future
“We must invest in our town. Where we choose to spend our taxpayer dollars says a lot about who we are as a town. I believe we need invest in things that make our town better for all.